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Springbak Speed Training Tips – Plyometrics
Posted by: | Comments Plyometrics have long been considered a key in developing explosiveness, quickness and speed. Such explosiveness is referred to as “Strength in Motion”. Plyometric training links together strength with speed to create power. It’s essential to athletes, primarily to those who run, jump, lift or throw.
Plyometric training is designed to enable a muscle to reach maximum strength in a short amount of time. This in turn leads to muscles that propel athletes faster, higher and more explosive.
Our patented and proven Springbak Springsoles will give you a competitive advantage as well. The Springsoles will give you a longer stride length, and quicker stride frequency, both necessary to gain speed. Together with plyometric training, this is the combination winning athletes are using today.
There are several types of plyometric training drills—or jumps—which are useful for developing athletic explosiveness. The following are some of the most widely used:
1. Jumps in place—a jump completed by landing in the same spot where the jump started. Low in intensity, yet it provides stimulus by requiring athletes to rebound quickly, jump after jump
2. Standing Jumps—stresses single maximum effort, horizontal or vertical with recovery time between each, and repeated
3. Multiple Hops & Jumps—combination of the above, yet are done one after another
4. Bounding—exaggerated normal running, focusing on lifting and “floating” as you run
5. Box Drills—combines multiple hops and jumps with depth jumps using boxes to land on
6. Depth Jumps—uses athletes body weight and gravity to exert force against ground. Performed by stepping out from box and dropping to ground, then jumping back up to the height of the box
Each type of jump is useful for developing explosiveness in all sports. Add the use of barriers such as cones and hurdles to increase training variety and intensity. Also, add a 5-10 yard sprint after each jump, or the use of a ball (catching, dribbling) to make it more sports specific.
When designing a plyometric training program, a good rule to follow is:
1. Train Plyo’s 2 times a week for beginners
2. Start with relatively low set/rep ratio (3 sets, 8 jumps per set)
3. Give good recovery time between sets for maximum effort
4. Make drills sports specific as possible (Jump/Sprint, Jump/Catch Ball)
Be creative, follow your impulse, and listen to your body. Good Luck!
For more news, tips and information from Springbak:
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Springbak Wants To Know Who Will Win The World Series 2010?
Posted by: | CommentsThe 2010 World Series is in full swing and we want you to get into the game with us!
Take your best guess for your chance to win a pair of Springbak Springsoles and a Springbak T-Shirt!
To participate, comment below on this blog post (“Springbak Wants To Know – Who Will Win The World Series 2010“) with the answers to the following questions:
1) Who will win the series?
2) How many games will the series go?
3) Tiebreaker: How many total points scored in the last game?
Whoever answers closest without going over, wins a pair of Springbak Springsoles and a Springbak T-Shirt!
Responses must be complete and posted to Springbak’s Blog Post – “Springbak Wants To Know – Who Will Win The World Series 2010” prior to Game 4, which takes place Sunday night, October 31st at 8:o0PM EST. Winner will be notified by email on Friday, November 5th, 2010. As of this post, Giants lead the series 1-0. You can get the rest of the series schedule, latest updates and news at
Thanks for playing with us and GOOD LUCK!
Visit the Official Springbak® Website at
Performance Boosting Springsoles / Insoles – Run Faster, Jump Higher, Lessen Fatigue
Springbak Springsoles Perform in the Hawaiian and Asian Markets
Posted by: | Comments– HAWAII AND ASIA MARKETS –
Hawaii loves Springbaks especially those athletes in triathlons, marathons, volleyball and basketball. The Hawaii athletes are more competitive than ever and the Honolulu Sharks Basketball Teams – ( have really put the Springbaks to good use in their gold victories and competitive play in Las Vegas. As more teams compete with our Sharks they learn of the advantages of Springbak Springsoles in their program.
We plan to sponsor the Punahou Basketball Teams this year as their talent deserves to bring back the State Championship with our products.
Currently, sales are good at Runner’s HI, Running Room and at McCully Bike shop, where the latest improved Springbaks can be purchased.
In Japan, several large athletic shoe companies have been evaluating the Springbaks for their shoes in volleyball, soccer and basketball which is very promising. Potential sales and interest are also being developed for Korea and Taiwan as they get more competitive in their sports as well.
For more news, tips and information from Springbak:
Visit the Official Springbak® Website at
Peak Performance Springsoles / Insoles – Run Faster, Jump Higher, Lessen Fatigue
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Springbak Speed Training Skills – How To Quicken Your Stride Frequency For More Speed
Posted by: | CommentsSpeed is perhaps the most coveted component of athletic performance. Whether you are a football player looking to better your 40 yard dash times or a marathoner who’s looking to improve your distance time, the importance of foot speed in running is unquestionable.
Our patented Springbak Springsoles will accomplish both increased stride frequency and increases stride length.
Traditional thinking dictates that to be fast, choose your parents carefully. In other words, speed is a genetic trait. While this is true to the extent that it is not possible to be a world-class sprinter without genetic endowment, sport science and proper coaching have done much to refute this.
Speed is a learnable skill that can be taught through motor-learning principles. Ultimately, it is only through the practice (repetition) of these motor skills and proper training that any genetic endowment can reach its highest potential.
There is an old axiom: “I hear, I forget; I see, I understand; I do, I remember.” The more you do something, the better you become at it.
Speed Made Simple to understand:
Although the actual physical components of running speed are rather complex, we’re going to keep things simple. Speed is produced by stride length (distance covered with each stride) and stride frequency (leg turnover time, or how quickly you can get your feet on and off the ground).
Of these two components, stride length is the easiest to develop and is also the most misunderstood. Stride length is not created by how far you can reach forward with each step, but rather by the amount of force you apply to the ground (with the foot striking directly under the hip) and driving back. Our Springbak Springsoles will increase the force you apply to the ground, thus a longer stride length.
Speed is created through the ground, not the air. Once the foot touches the ground, it drives rearward, creating a springboard effect that propels the body forward. Most people are slower than they should be because they pull out of their stride length too early, not allowing the foot to remain on the ground long enough to drive the leg completely straight behind the body, thereby maximizing the force and distance necessary to propel the body farther forward.
Let’s quickly look at two basic mechanical principles that should be considered for proper running form:
Step 1: Keep Your Head Steady:
Head position is critical in athletic performance. Your head should be still during sprinting. We use the term “focus” to mean your eyes should be straight ahead, as if you’re looking at somebody your height in the eyes. Remember, you go where your head goes.
If your head is moving side-to-side, your body is going to be subject to lateral forces that negate from the objective: moving straight ahead. You should run relaxed; you’ll hear track coaches say “Jaw down, shoulders down.” The human head generally weighs between 11 and 14 pounds. Keep this “bowling ball” (your head) in the proper postural alignment: centered between the shoulders.
Step 2: Keep Your Arms Fixed at a 90-degree Angle:
Why? To use the strong muscles of the shoulder girdle to create optimum force. Never run with tight, clenched fists. This will tighten you up and slow you down. Keep your thumb and forefinger in contacts or run with an open palm, whichever you are most comfortable with. Your elbows should be squeezed in to the sides of the body.
Try this: Stand up and put your left hand on your left hip. Move your right arm across your body. Did you notice how your left hip moved? The body is a system of levers and, to simplify matters, what you do with one arm will affect the opposite leg. If your arms cross in the mid-line of your body when running, your hips will rotate in, thereby taking away from your force output and creating rotational forces that minimize your speed.
Enjoy the speed training tips!
Mark Vona – GM Springbak Inc.
For more tips and information from Springbak:
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Springbak Training Tips: How To Prevent Injury and Improve Performance
Posted by: | CommentsAthletes, especially athletes who play sports which require changes of direction and landing from explosive jumps (soccer, basketball, track and volleyball), must train to prevent injury first, and build to improving one’s performance.
Today’s athlete needs to train the lower body for strength and balance and train the core muscles. “Core Training” is a popular buzz-word in the fitness industry and it means different things to different people; however, training the core musculature – the muscles of the abdominal, lower back, hips, pelvis, quadriceps and hamstrings – improve overall strength. For instance, a boxer throws a punch, he used his upper body; however, his power comes from his lower body. The core is the region that transfers the power from the legs through the upper body. With a weak core, the boxers punch lacks power. The same is true of almost every athletic move… just think about that one.
World class athletes, coaches and trainers use Springbak Springsoles in their athletic programs for performance and injury protection. The Springsoles provide you a competitive edge and absorb shock as well. The Springsoles will increase your stride length when you run, and increase your stride frequency (shorten foot plant time) as well as give your game much more balance and stability: What people are saying about Springbak Springsoles.
How can I increase my vertical jump?
We get this question all the time, here’s how:
The best exercises for increasing your vertical jump are squats, lunges and step-ups. These are the best because they are compound movements, which work the knee joint and the hip joint at the same time…Squats are the best exercise an athlete can do for strength if it is performed correctly.
Great tips on lunges:
Lunges are another great body exercise. Once the athlete learns the movement pattern of lunges in different directions-front, backward and side lunges, they can then use weights in the hands for a more intense workout and challenge your neuromuscular system. Also, the athlete can add different elements to the lunge. A simple addition to work the shoulders to use the medicine ball to do a lunge and press. Additionally, a lunge and reach is a good exercise.
Please comment, as we welcome your tips and advice as well.
For more tips and information from Springbak:
Visit the Official Springbak® Website at
Peak Performance Springsoles / Insoles – Run Faster, Jump Higher, Lessen Fatigue
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